Capybara is a Telegram mini-game where you earn coins by clicking on a Capybara, completing tasks, and referring your friends.
No one knows if or when the coins will be minted. Let's discover together!
Just tap your phone’s screen to feed the Capybara and get a coin for every tap!
Every time your friends move up the League, you’ll get HUGE bonuses:
The players are divided into 5 Leagues depending on the number of coins earned. Each League, starting from Famished, has a separate Leaderboard, showingthe players ranked by the numberof coins earned.
Players get 1-time bonuses for moving up to the next League:
Teams are groups of players in the game. Any public channel/chat on Telegram can be a Team. For every portion of the food fed to Capybara, your Team will earn the same number of coins as you.
Players can create their own Teams and invite players via their referral links. Teams compete against each other (Teams leaderboard) and have internal leaderboards, ranking all players by the number of coins earned.
You can join a Team from the Teams Leaderboard. Just select one of the Teams and click on a Join button on the Team’s page.
You can also join a team via a text bot in the following way: